How did Jesus Christ train His disciples? That model is definitely valid and useful up until now more especially for ministries that hope to have a future with God.


Text: 1Cor.4:1-2, 14-17; 15:57-58

Introduction: Faithfulness is the hallmark of a true Christian disciple. It is the unmistakable emblem of a genuine Christian worker and no man should expect to be promoted in the things of God without it (Matt.24:45; Lk.16:12). It is a major requirement in the school of divine service (1Cor.4:2). Hence, major characters in the Bible – Moses, Daniel, Timothy – always had it always on them as a fast banner (Num.12:7; Dan.6:4; 1Cor.4:17).

We all should be mindful of the solemn fact that our faithfulness or otherwise will count seriously at the shores of eternity (Matt.25:23). This is a sober truth that all wise-hearted men/women who are aware of the temporary nature of our sojourn on earth should etch deeply on the minds and internalize fully in the hearts. Meanwhile, it is faithfulness that provokes fullness of blessings here on earth (Pr.28:20).

Our world is full of both faithful people and treacherous people. Notwithstanding, history is more full of examples of treacherous individuals than of high fidelity people. They say, ‘if you are not too long, I will wait here for you all my life’. And this trend has a lot of reflections/impact upon the church. Note, it is faithful people who are going to develop useful ability; hence, they are the one the ones who qualify for leadership roles in the church of Jesus Christ (2Tim.2:2).

Now a very practical word in the school of faithfulness is the word, loyalty. This is the word I will use mostly, for purposes of convenience and clarity, in this teaching. Whereas, loyalty connotes the same sense as the word faithfulness, it conveys more appeal in the practical meaning of the word. It appears to be a more functional word in the sense of conveying my emphasis in this teaching.

1). What is Loyalty?
- Steadfast allegiance to one’s duty post, homeland or to a sovereign ruler.
- Faithful adherence to a person, a cause or an idea.
- Firm devotion, trustworthy, reliable.
- Consistent with truth or practice.
- Constant, fast, fixed, unwavering and staunch adherence to an affirmed position.

We are judged to be loyal when we follow on, keep to, stick to or cling to something or someone with principle. Loyal people are described as being true to the core or single-hearted. Not self seeking or a tale-bearer (Pr.11:13; 20:6).

In Ruth 1:16-17, we read,
And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God:

Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the LORD do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me.
Also in Matthew.6:24, we are informed:
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

2). Why is Loyalty Essential in the Church?
- It is the essential quality of a true Christian worker (1Cor.4:2; 2Tim.2:2).
- It is required to fight ‘house-hold’ enemies. See, the devil is an expert at destroying the church from within, especially if opportunities are slim for him to fight from outside (Jn.14:30; Mat.12:30). These in-house enemies of the cross and of progress show up as discontented scorners and pretenders (Pr.22:10).
- To culture a still water of love and harmony (Ps.23:2). Sheep are known to cherish drinking only from still water. If the water is rough or murky, they stay away for fear that crocodiles might be in the water.
- To build a successful, effective and efficient ministry team.
- To develop a large, abiding, growing, glowing, going and influential church. Regular disintegrations and busy backdoors will delay the destiny of any church.
- To build a ministry for now and for the future. See, one person has only a few years of practical and effective ministry. But a loyal team can make the difference. Just remember Jesus and the disciples and the exploit of their faith.
- To avoid shame and regret in eternity. Remember: well done is to the faithful.

3). Processes and Stages of Disloyality.

Becoming disloyal is a process, hence many people may not be fully aware when they going on the dangerous road of disloyalty. Once we identify any of the following stages in our lives, we ought to kill such tendencies in our hearts immediately:
- Independent Spirit. People with this spirit do only what they want irrespective of the instructions and attend only those meetings they feel is important. See, if you belong to an organization, you are not independent of that organization. This was the dangerous tendencies in Joab. Read his antecedents in the following passages: 2Sam.3:20,21,26,27; 2Sam.18:5,12,14; 2Sam.12:28, 1Kg.1:5-7. Incidentally, some people with this subtle spirit will refuse to leave the church.
- Offence (Matt.24:10). Be wary of wounds that are not allowed to heal. Offence opens door for treachery. Judas as well as Absalom passed through this road.
- Passivity. Watch your heart when you feel unconcerned, censorious and uninvolved (Jer.48:10). Such periods make room for critical spirit (2Sam.13:22).
- Critical Stage. At this stage, people start noticing and magnifying faults. Miriam was critical of Moses and for that she incurred the wrath of God.
- Political Stage. At this stage, people try to involve others in their diabolical mission. They have a smart way of discussing the weaknesses or shortcomings of leadership. Their famous phrases are: ‘many people are saying’, ‘a lot of people are saying’, ‘everybody is saying’. They seem to enjoy talking glibly: ‘we have a lot of problems in this church, but we are watching’.
- Deception Stage. People who rebel are grossly deceived and they also deceive a lot. Never become beclouded to think inappropriately of yourself. Deception always leads to destruction of callings, gifts, opportunities and even destinies. God fights against the rebels. Even all of nature joins against them in the fight (Pr.30:17).
- Open Rebellion. At a stage when the rebellious has gained enough confidence through the psychological hypes through some supports, he openly rebels. Remember Lucifer waited to gain support of 1/3 of the angels before he began his campaign of open rebellion (Rev.12:7; 2Sam.16:22).
- Execution. It is costly, dangerous and painful to be caught on the side of the wrath of God. Many people run into rebellion through ignorance and innocence (2Sam.15:11). The reward, all the same, is never palatable (1Sam.15:23; Ex22:18). When you rebel, your seat will be taken away and given to someone else and you will become banished into obscurity. Absalom was slain at last and Judas hanged himself (2Sam.18:15; Matt.27:5).


Now, total loyalty is possible only when fidelity is rid of all content from which changes of mind naturally arise. Culture simply defines as the way we think and do things here. The culture of a place always presents a very powerful force for or against progress in that organization. To develop a positive culture of allegiance to the Lord, the Church, the Word of God and to the servants of God, you need the following:

- Be angry against disloyalty (Pr.25:23).
- Prune the units of the church constantly of disloyal elements.
- Everybody should readily serve and be open to teachings/instruction rather than seek promotion or ordination.
- Develop willing attitudes to divine things.
- Be fully persuaded of the Lord whom you have believed, the church organization in which you are kept to serve and God’s servant set to preserve you.
- Always recognize that authority is in hierarchy and note that your loyalty must be to higher authority (1Cor.11:1).
- Know that a loyal person does not withhold information (1Cor.5:1).
- Note that loyalty is costly (James 4:4).
- Mark and avoid dissenters (Mk.16:17).
- Beware: Judas also took part in the Galilean crusade (Lk.10:1-21).