Paul said, “be ye followers of me as I am of Christ”.


Text: Luke 17:11-19; Acts 1:8; Acts 2:1-7

Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the LORD your God: for he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month.
Joel 2:23

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
John 14:12

Introduction: We are in a fairly amazing times for technology throughout the world today. Think about it! The robotics, the cyber networks, the Google searches and maps, the space programs, and the rest of them, simply bespeak wonder. How about the medical wonders also: the open heart surgery, the brain surgery, the test-tube fertility programs, the cloning technology and a horde of other stupefying wonders? Even in warfare, you now talk of guided missiles, the MAD program, the discovery and the space conquests etc.

However, incredible as this may sound: whatever we have seen could be dubbed only as near to nothing when compared with what God has in stock for our generation, particularly, in spiritual adventures.

MEN AND BRETHREN, I see God kick-starting for you today a beautiful Era of Wonders and Amazement, in the precious of Jesus Christ.
This Era shall become very manifest in the various dimensions of your life and destiny: your walk with God, your relevance upon the earth, your health, finances, relationship etc. And, in this new era, the Master, Jesus Christ Himself, shall be fully involved with the finest details of our lives, and we shall elegantly show up to "steal the show", so to say.

However, in this regards, it is very crucial for us to be highly expectant. In his book titled, Fear and Trembling, Soren Kierkegaard said: “One became great by expecting the possible, another by expecting the eternal (i.e. the future): but he who expected the impossible became greatest of all”.
Friends, expect springs of astonishing moments in your life right from now, and you shall begin to experience wonders in full, in Jesus Name.


From Dictionary.com, an era is:
1. A period of time marked by distinctive events or characters.
2. A period of time to which a thing belongs or is to be assigned.
I strongly believe it that a new wave of God's glory is blowing upon the land today, and a colorful Era of Amazement is beginning for all of us, in Jesus Name. Can someone be kind enough to, please, shout an unusual AMEN?
Meanwhile, it will be very helpful to equally understand what we mean when we talk of amazement.


Again, from Dictionary.com, amazement speaks of:
1. Overwhelming surprise or great astonishment.
2. Sudden wonder that delights and amazes.
If you can believe it, these shall soon depict the defining moments, which the Almighty God is tipping you unto, right now. I PRAY: you will not miss it in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


Certainly, the Book of Luke is, indeed, the Gospel of Amazement.
In Luke 17:11-19, we are reminded of the journeys of Christ once again. And here, we’re even given an actual location: the border between Galilee and Samaria, an area that Jesus passed through more than once.
As the Miracle Team of Christ and the crowd entered a village, they encountered ten lepers. In their own view, the lepers kept their distance to avoid “rendering” Jesus and His disciples “unclean” (Cp: Lev. 13:46; Num. 5:2).

We must understand that people in that era would have assumed that the ten lepers contracted their disease as a result of some personal sins. And, the lepers themselves could have believed it. Hence, anyhow, they would have seen themselves as unworthy. Nevertheless, in that pathetic estate and very horrible frame of mind, they stood up and cried out for Jesus’ help, not minding whether they deserved it or not.
Their cry was really a prayer for supernatural amazement. And, it was a very simple and perfect prayer: “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us” (v13). It was also a cry from men who, although they had a right to expect nothing, yet they were asking for everything. This made a strange cry: a cry ill-fated from the onset.


In my opinion, this account was one of Jesus’ “strangest” or “most-surprising” miracles. Notice that there were no words of healing, no pronouncements that the ten were forgiven or clean, no loud voice like “Lazarus, come forth” – only simple Jesus’ command that they go and show themselves to the priests.
Now, the only reason for a leper (or anyone with a skin disease for that matter) to submit to examination by a priest would be to determine whether they had been healed or not. And, in this case, they discovered only on their way that they had been completely healed.


From the story, we read that out of the ten only one returned, shouting his praises to God. He came back and fell at the feet of Jesus, giving thanks for what He had done. And it was unto this “thankful one” that Jesus said: “Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole” (v.19).

Whole? Wonderful! It was indeed an amazing wonder that a leper would be restored wholly to his original state at birth without loss of fingers or color as the case may be.

Doctor Luke would want us to know that the sole person who came to give thanks was a Samaritan (v.16). The implication of this is that the other nine were Jewish.

This suggests that “the one person, who should not have gotten it, did. And, the other nine who should have it, didn’t”.
Hey, friends, God will use your story to shock the world, in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Yes, your story will take your peers by storm; it will daze all those who have, hitherto, looked down upon you.

In this Era of Amazements, your story will haunt your antagonists, and it will cheer on your friends, in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. This is our era for it, and, I pray earnest, you and I won’t miss in in Jesus Name.


As we think about Christ’s life, we stand amazed in every way. We are amazed at His pre-mortal role as the great Jehovah, agent of His Father, Creator of the earth, and the Guardian of the entire family of man.

We are also amazed at His coming to earth and the circumstances surrounding His advent. We are amazed that at only 12 years of age He was already about His Father’s business. We are amazed at the formal beginning of His ministry, His baptism and spiritual gifts.
We stand all amazed to know Jesus cast out and defeated the forces of evil everywhere He went. He also made the lame to walk, the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the infirm to stand (Mark 1:21-27; 7:31-37; Luke 9:37-43). One time, He even called forth an incredible draught of fishes at the same location and time where great toils had produced none (Luke 5:9).

In His earthly ministry, Jesus Christ spoke with an unusual authority (Matt. 7:28; 13:54; Luke 4:32). He also dazed the whole world with His uncanny and incredible wisdom and might acts, to the extent that His generation asked: “Is this not the Carpenter’s son” (Mark 6:1-3). Please pity them: they couldn’t understand that this was the “ACTUAL-VIRTUAL AUTHORITY OF THE WHOLE UNIVERSE”, standing in their midst.
The life and times of Jesus Christ actually teach us that the real display at the supernatural Era of Amazement is the Majesty of God (Luke 9:37-43). This explains why Era of Amazement usually comes with an astonishing aura of divine awe and fear, which also goes on to create a supernatural edge of divine protection for the people of God in that Era. You cannot separate the “Majesty of God” from “astonishing fear” and “Supernatural Protection” (Mk. 11:18; Luke 9:37-43). And see, when you are plunged into the Era of Wonders, the dread and the fear of you shall fall upon all the “beast of the field” in your operations.


When I consider the Savior’s ministry, I wonder, “How did He do it?” Simple! He operated solely in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Luke 4:14, 18-21

14. And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about.
18. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,
19. To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.
20. And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him.
21. And he began to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.

Isaiah 11:1-9

1. And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots:
2. And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD;
3. And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears:
4. But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.
5. And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins.
6. The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.
7. And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.
8. And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice' den.
9. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.


1. By the same Spirit: Recall that the early Church which practically operate in the realm of wonders was birthed at the instance of the Holy Ghost in Acts 2:1-7. The Apostles acted, and the people wondered aloud in their generation (v.7).

1 Corinthians 12:4-11
Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.
And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord.
And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.
But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.
For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;
To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;
To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:
But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.

2. Devote Quality Time to Dwell in His Presence: the early disciples dwelt with Jesus Christ before their time of practical manifestations; hence, the people saw the raw manifestations of the power of God (Acts 4:13). Being with Jesus, giving quality time to dwell in His presence will always generate amazement amidst God’s people, even today. When we do, we cannot but reflect His glory and majesty.
Zechariah 10:1
Ask ye of the LORD rain in the time of the latter rain; so the LORD shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain, to every one grass in the field.

3. Be Focused, Disciplined and Diligent in Pursuit: It has always been that only “proof-producers” define the Era of Wonders and Amazements (Acts 13:12). When we realize that, we will be determined to give it all it takes:
The holiness and the principled lifestyle,
The discipline in putting our bodies under through prayers and fasting,
The diligence in pursuing the glory of God, the wholesome life of everlasting sacrifice,
The manifest commitment and devotion to the things of God,
The zeal and the extravagant love for the growth of the kingdom of God on earth,
The eternal pursuit of divine pleasure, whatever the cost etc.

James 5:7
Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain.

When we do the expected, Jesus Christ, the Wonder of All Ages, will certainly tip us indeed to the big-time Era of Wonders and Amazement. Beloved, seeing you there, in Jesus Name!





Text: Deut.32:7-14; Jn.14:12-14; Acts 1:5-8.


Introduction: Performance in life is all about capacity. The larger the capacity you carry, the higher the likelihood of your great accomplishment on earth. From what we know, you cannot give what you do not possess. Capacitors cannot release power beyond their rated capacitance.


The issues of capacity development cannot be overstated: even the blessing you will receive from God is a function of your capacity. If God for example wants to bless you with a drum-full quantity of blessing and He finds that your capacity can only hold only a cupful, He will hold it back and wait until your capacity can accommodate the blessing. Again, your ability to touch the world, to perform and accomplish much in your time is a function of your capacity.


In a general sense, some of the means by which we increase our capacity is through training, opening up to God’s kind of knowledge. But most importantly, we receive increased capacity by seeking for His power. This is because the capacity we are talking about is a prerogative of the Holy Spirit who gives us power to function effectively.Meanwhile, Jesus Christ implied in one of His teachings that His followers would have capacity for works greater than He did: ‘the work I do and greater works’ (Jn.14:12). This is a fact that can almost stop the beatings of the heart. Did He mean it? Most emphatic yes!


1. WHAT IS POWER?-          Ability or capacity to perform or act effectively.-          Capability to do work. Thus, accomplishing on earth is a function of the power made available to us. No wonder we are encouraged to tarry for this power from on high (Acts.1:8; Lk.24:49).


2. WHEN THE POWER COMES?-          The people shall be willing, lively, zealous and exciting (Ps.110:3). The people will find reason to live.-          It transfers to them the heritage of the heathen (Ps.111:6). Read also: Ps.2:8; 44:2; 78:55; 105:44; Pro.13:22.-          It gives power to the faint (Is.40:29). Forgives (Mt.9:6-8). Redeems (2Kgs.17:36). Heals (Mt.3:15). Delivers (Mt.10:1; Lk9:1; 10:19). Empowers for witness (Act.1:8; 4:33). 


3. EXPERIENCING THIS POWER TODAYYes, Jesus Christ is our link point (Mat.28:18), but we still have a big responsibility to the power of God. We must embrace it:


a)      In the Sanctuary – Ps.63:1-2. There should be a strong longing for God, a loving relationship and a great seeking after Him. Waiting and tarrying before Him always brings power– Is.40:21-31; Lk.4:14; 24:49. 


b)     Through Character development (Deut.6:1-5). The place of character in the formation of destiny can never be overemphasized. Character determines who is truly great or truly strong. God will always want to confirm your character before He will defend your destiny. No matter the beauty of your picture, it is still at the mercy of your nature. Many believers who have been programmed for enduring breakthroughs in their callings have astonishingly become victims of negative character. Without godly character, you lose your goodness; without functional reverence for God, you misplace your relevance on the earth. Until God can certainly prove you, He does not place you. The day you become tired of acting right, you start becoming a victim of trials.  Charisma without acceptable character always ends in a loud chaos. Samson was like a short radiant light on the horizon, a nimbus. He appeared like a shining firework and then disappeared. He ended it all in a big disaster and the story of his latter days came as a finest example of the tragedy of a conquered conqueror. Why is this so? Character!  


Character is the disposition of nature that defines your true personality. Your true character can be best described by what you do in secret. It is what you do if no one will find out. Character is integrity manifested. A man of firm character will be true, faithful and loyal to his promises and commitments. Character is not among the listed gifts of the Spirit; rather, it is a virtue which everyone must learn to develop. Your character is the taproot of your future excellence. When you make a tree good, the fruit will also become good (Matt.7:17-19; 12:33). 


c)      Through Talent development. Results eradicate shame. However, if we are not happy with our current results in life, we have to work harder and the place to begin is with ourselves. Same knowledge plus same attitude plus same effort plus same plan will always produce same results. 


d)      In the course of Spiritual Exercise. Out there on the fields of spiritual services, that is where lasting strength is given to our spiritual muscles.





Text: 1Cor.4:1-2, 14-17; 15:57-58 


Introduction: Faithfulness is the hallmark of a true Christian disciple. It is the unmistakable emblem of a genuine Christian worker and no man should expect to be promoted in the things of God without it (Matt.24:45; Lk.16:12). It is a major requirement in the school of divine service (1Cor.4:2). Hence, major characters in the Bible ,Moses, Daniel, Timothy , always had it always on them as a fast banner (Num.12:7; Dan.6:4; 1Cor.4:17). We all should be mindful of the solemn fact that our faithfulness or otherwise will count seriously at the shores of eternity (Matt.25:23). This is a sober truth that all wise-hearted men/women who are aware of the temporary nature of our sojourn on earth should etch deeply on the minds and internalize fully in the hearts. Meanwhile, it is faithfulness that provokes fullness of blessings here on earth (Pr.28:20). Our world is full of both faithful people and treacherous people. Notwithstanding, history is more full of examples of treacherous individuals than of high fidelity people. They say, ‘if you are not too long, I will wait here for you all my life’. And this trend has a lot of reflections/impact upon the church. Note, it is faithful people who are going to develop useful ability; hence, they are the one the ones who qualify for leadership roles in the church of Jesus Christ (2Tim.2:2). Now a very practical word in the school of faithfulness is the word, loyalty. This is the word I will use mostly, for purposes of convenience and clarity, in this teaching. Whereas, loyalty connotes the same sense as the word faithfulness, it conveys more appeal in the practical meaning of the word. It appears to be a more functional word in the sense of conveying my emphasis in this teaching.



1). What is Loyalty? -          Steadfast allegiance to one’s duty post, homeland or to a sovereign ruler.-          Faithful adherence to a person, a cause or an idea.-          Firm devotion, trustworthy, reliable.-          Consistent with truth or practice.-          Constant, fast, fixed, unwavering and staunch adherence to an affirmed position. We are judged to be loyal when we follow on, keep to, stick to or cling to something or someone with principle. Loyal people are described as being true to the core or single-hearted. Not self seeking or a tale-bearer (Pr.11:13; 20:6). In Ruth 1:16-17, we read,And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God: Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the LORD do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me.Also in Matthew.6:24, we are informed:No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.



 2). Why is Loyalty Essential in the Church? -          It is the essential quality of a true Christian worker (1Cor.4:2; 2Tim.2:2).-          It is required to fight ‘house-hold’ enemies. See, the devil is an expert at destroying the church from within, especially if opportunities are slim for him to fight from outside (Jn.14:30; Mat.12:30). These in-house enemies of the cross and of progress show up as discontented scorners and pretenders (Pr.22:10).-           To culture a still water of love and harmony (Ps.23:2). Sheep are known to cherish drinking only from still water. If the water is rough or murky, they stay away for fear that crocodiles might be in the water.-          To build a successful, effective and efficient ministry team.-          To develop a large, abiding, growing, glowing, going and influential church. Regular disintegrations and busy backdoors will delay the destiny of any church.-          To build a ministry for now and for the future. See, one person has only a few years of practical and effective ministry. But a loyal team can make the difference. Just remember Jesus and the disciples and the exploit of their faith.-          To avoid shame and regret in eternity. Remember: well done is to the faithful.  


3). Processes and Stages of Disloyalty. Becoming disloyal is a process, hence many people may not be fully aware when they going on the dangerous road of disloyalty. Once we identify any of the following stages in our lives, we ought to kill such tendencies in our hearts immediately:-          Independent Spirit. People with this spirit do only what they want irrespective of the instructions and attend only those meetings they feel is important. See, if you belong to an organization, you are not independent of that organization. This was the dangerous tendencies in Joab. Read his antecedents in the following passages: 2Sam.3:20,21,26,27; 2Sam.18:5,12,14; 2Sam.12:28, 1Kg.1:5-7. Incidentally, some people with this subtle spirit will refuse to leave the church.-          Offence (Matt.24:10). Be wary of wounds that are not allowed to heal. Offence opens door for treachery. Judas as well as Absalom passed through this road.-          Passivity. Watch your heart when you feel unconcerned, censorious and uninvolved (Jer.48:10). Such periods make room for critical spirit (2Sam.13:22).-          Critical Stage. At this stage, people start noticing and magnifying faults. Miriam was critical of Moses and for that she incurred the wrath of God.-          Political Stage. At this stage, people try to involve others in their diabolical mission. They have a smart way of discussing the weaknesses or shortcomings of leadership. Their famous phrases are: ‘many people are saying’, ‘a lot of people are saying’, ‘everybody is saying’. They seem to enjoy talking glibly: ‘we have a lot of problems in this church, but we are watching’.-          Deception Stage. People who rebel are grossly deceived and they also deceive a lot. Never become beclouded to think inappropriately of yourself. Deception always leads to destruction of callings, gifts, opportunities and even destinies. God fights against the rebels. Even all of nature joins against them in the fight (Pr.30:17).-          Open Rebellion. At a stage when the rebellious has gained enough confidence through the psychological hypes through some supports, he openly rebels. Remember Lucifer waited to gain support of 1/3 of the angels before he began his campaign of open rebellion (Rev.12:7; 2Sam.16:22).-          Execution. It is costly, dangerous and painful to be caught on the side of the wrath of God. Many people run into rebellion through ignorance and innocence (2Sam.15:11). The reward, all the same, is never palatable (1Sam.15:23; Ex22:18). When you rebel, your seat will be taken away and given to someone else and you will become banished into obscurity. Absalom was slain at last and Judas hanged himself (2Sam.18:15; Matt.27:5). 


4). CREATING A CULTURE OF LOYALTY Now, total loyalty is possible only when fidelity is rid of all content from which changes of mind naturally arise. Culture simply defines as the way we think and do things here. The culture of a place always presents a very powerful force for or against progress in that organization. To develop a positive culture of allegiance to the Lord, the Church, the Word of God and to the servants of God, you need the following: -          Be angry against disloyalty (Pr.25:23).-          Prune the units of the church constantly of disloyal elements.-          Everybody should readily serve and be open to teachings/instruction rather than seek promotion or ordination.-          Develop willing attitudes to divine things.-          Be fully persuaded of the Lord whom you have believed, the church organization in which you are kept to serve and God’s servant set to preserve you.-          Always recognize that authority is in hierarchy and note that your loyalty must be to higher authority (1Cor.11:1).-          Know that a loyal person does not withhold information (1Cor.5:1).-          Note that loyalty is costly (James 4:4).-          Mark and avoid dissenters (Mk.16:17).-          Beware: Judas also took part in the Galilean crusade (Lk.10:1-21).


Text: Gen.49:22-26; Deut.33:13-16


Introduction: Those who will have the promises of God fulfilled in them must come under the conditions of these promises. Separation is a contradiction in terms: it talks of a detachment, which facilitates the addition of divine blessings.


The first time we hear God saying something was good was when He separated light from darkness (Gen.1:4-5). It was also God work of the first day, hence separation should take priority attention. Even God hides Himself with Shekinah glory and when He wants to bless you, He will insist you be out of common circulation.


We have established earlier on that when the heavens open, we begin to see the visions of God (Ez.1:1). Now, there was a man who was noted for dreams and visions. In fact, he was called Joseph the Dreamer. However, we ought to observe that his trade secret was in his separation.


Abraham also could not enter into the prophetic promise until he was separated from his family and from Lot. For long, he was carrying Sarai (-delay-) all around. Meanwhile, Lot was a produce of human judgment and opinion and until he departed, there was no change of status (Gen.13:14). Look unto Abraham your father….I called him alone and blessed him (Is.51:2). See, God had a whole human race in mind for blessing, yet He started with one man.


Even Paul in the NT said the grace he enjoyed was one of the benefits of separation (Rom.1:1). What an awesome God! But we must cooperate with Him and permit our King Uzziah to die for us to see clearly the glory of God (Is.6:1).




To separate means to detach, severe, divide or to remove from a company. The Bible commands us to separate from whatever is contrary to the mind of God and become consecrated unto the Lord. See, in a moral universe, it is impossible for God to fully bless and use anything/one that is compromised with evil.


Is.52:11 and 2Cor.6:14-18 – unequal yoke is anything that unites a child of God and the devil ( in a common purpose (Deut.22:10).


Separation is not just in our contact with the world, but rather in our abstaining from conformity with it (Jn.17:15). It means using but not abusing the world (1Cor.7:31). Consider the angels: when they have an assignment on earth, they discharge it promptly and joyfully fly back home to heaven. That should be the lifestyle of believers.


Separation may also involve resigning our rights for the sake of peace. Remember Abraham - He resigned his rights in his dealings with Lot to buy peace.


Separation should be in our desires, motives and actions in this world.





Separation gives you:


a). Full manifestation of divine fatherhood (2Cor.6:17-18).

b). Unhindered communion with God (Heb.13:13-15).

c). Fruitful and enabled service (2Tim.2:21; Acts 13:2).

d). Exemptions from plagues (Rev.18:4).

e). Focus and a clear identity (Gen.30:40).


Read further:


Luke 6:22-23,


22  Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man’s sake.

23  Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets.


 1Peter 4:14,


14  If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified.


Those who will make the most of God’s promises must readily embrace the conditions attached to those promises. Lots must be separated and King Uzziah must fully die.



For further articles on the subject of discipleship and/or mentoring, freely mail me today, bishopakinola@yahoo.com 

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